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New business enquiry

Please fill in this form and click 'Submit' if you'd like assistance with a legal matter. We will endeavour to reply to you within 24 business hours.

Fields marked * are compulsory.

If you'd like to contact us instead, you can find the information you need on our contact page

Please note: to enable us to perform a conflict check, please provide only your details and any names of the other parties. Confidential information about the substance of the matter should not be supplied. Sydney Legal Advisers does not undertake to protect any confidential information provided by email until our engagement is commenced.
Your privacy: When you fill in this form we collect personal information about you. Our Privacy statement tells you how we usually collect and use your personal information and how you can ask for access to it. We may share your details with others in the Sydney Legal Advisers group so we can provide services to you.